English Department of the Faculty of Letters & Cultures, Gunadarma University is holding an Annual English Competition namely Speech Contest on Tuesday, Nov 29th, 2022. This competition is an excellent opportunity for all Gunadarma's undergraduate students coming from all faculties to showcase their English skills.

The details of the competition are as follows :

• Registration date : November 09th - November 25th, 2022

• For students who want to participate in the speech contest, please read the terms & conditions below:

- General theme: Recover Together, Recover Stronger

(Participants are free to creatively determine their own specific topic by relating it to the general theme given.)

- The content of the speech must avoid discussing and/or promoting: taboo, pornographic, radical, violance-related issues and other issues which violate the applicable norms and laws in the society.

- The content of the speech must also be the original work (no plagiarism) of the participants which has not been used to any other contest in any place before and must not violate the intellectual property rights of any party.

• For registration, please fill in the form in the link below:

• All participants are free from all registration fees and will get e-certificate as the participant of the competition. The winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd winners and 1st, 2nd, 3rd runner ups) will also be awarded with cash prize and e-certificate as winners & runner ups.